Todorant — my todo list app that uses cognitive psychology to trick brain into completing tasks


New member
Hello everyone! I invite you to roast my new project — It's a smart todo list app that focuses on getting users into the habit of completing tasks — it does not focus on organizing, automating and storing tasks like all the other competitors.

I read 20+ books on productivity (including Getting Things Done, Eat That Frog, Willpower), simplified and combined methodologies and compiled all of it into easy to use platform that works in web, on iOS and Android!

I've done everything myself (it's the first project of such scale that I've built solo) — design, development, research, testing. Pretty proud of it, which is one of the reasons I want you to roast it!

It's live, all the planned features are built, has over 4000 users (with over 1000 DAU) plenty of good reviews and users praise the platform 1-2 times a week over email or on Telegram in private messages. I think I can pull it with my own money, so I don't intend on raising funds nor I did in the past. The real time stats are available on

I believe that there is a place for such product. Simply because all other competitors focus on storing, organizing and automating tasks. Which allow users to get well-organized but endless lists of tasks that only make people anxious. Contrary to this, Todorant is carefully crafted to punish or praise users to get them complete tasks daily without burnout.

The monetization model is simple: 30 days free, then $5/month. It's $1-$2/month higher then competitors but I decided to stick to it. If I cannot provide users with more value than my competitors — there is no need for my app on the market. This is how I set the bar for myself.

Also, none of the data is sent to Todorant servers before you login (you can use the mobile apps without having to log in), no credit card is required before 30 days end.

What do you think?
@akkatter You have 1,481 words on your LANDING PAGE.

I'd deal with that first. make it 20x less.

Also, in your post here, you have another 331 word post, but I still have no idea how Todorant is different. If you want feedback from successful people, you need to cater to their time.
@discipleduchrist Funny thing is — conversion rate sky rocketed since I changed the typical "straight to the business" explanation how Todorant is different to this wordy approach.

But I'll give a shorter version another try as an A/B test, thank you a lot for the feedback!
@akkatter I’d say you have the right attitude (about your business in general, as well as this response) and that you’re focusing on the right metrics in your business. Usual conventions, best practices, any “one size fits all” rule is only as true as it is proven imo. But the other commenter may be right, you may benefit from focusing more on getting straight to the benefit of your app.

Your lengthy landing page and heavy reliance on user reviews seems (at first glance) to appeal to your audience I’d assume.

Keep up the good work! Remember it’s all about gaining and retaining
@akkatter But what exactly does it do? I'm not interested in trying it unless you tell me the features it has over Google Tasks, for example. I sign up for enough things, so let me try it without that constraint.
@felonna You can try downloading the mobile apps — it doesn't have the login wall so you can try Todorant even without having to give it any information at all.

I explained the most important features of my methodology here — All of it is implemented in Todorant out of the box.

Hm, I can probably lead with it on the website. I'll also try putting the list of differentiating features on top as an A/B test, thank you for the feedback!
@akkatter I read the title and not the text in the body. I clicked on your link and saw another wall of text. Didnt read a single word.

Your app/service needs to use a cognitive trick to get me to be interested very quickly and a wall of words is not going to do that.
@613jono Interestingly enough, when I switched to a longer description, conversion rate skyrocketed :) I guess my app might be better suited for people who want to see this "wall of text".

Chances are — you wouldn't like the app anyway, I guess :)

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