Tools for Marketing Automation (Whatsapp, CRM, Appointments & WP)


New member
Hi all,

I do web design & SEO for clients in the healthcare sector. Recently one of my clients wanted to move from a Landing Page Plan to a Full Website Plan as her advertising costs are rapidly increasing due to competition, her hopes are to reduce patient acquisition by investing in SEO efforts. That will be taken care of without problems.

The issue is that she'd like to implement some automation strategies to improve patient communication/retention.

What I´m thinking of doing is:
  1. Setup Amelia Booking on the site and integrate bookings with Google Calendar
  2. Automate appointments confirmation via Whatsapp (once a patient books an appointment, 2 hrs before the system/crm sends an automated message with a link so the client confirms his assistance)
  3. Once the patient leaves his appointment, a follow-up automated email is sent with a link to provide feedback.
  4. 2 Weeks afterwards another follow-up automated email is sent to greet the patient & inquiry about his general health status.
That's it.

How would you go about setting this up? Which tools would you recommend? (CRM, Whatsapp Chatbot, Feedback management, connectivity between apps).

I'd be looking for a very cost-effective solution.

@truthdeclared I've previously used SendPulse and they can do the CRM, Whatsapp Chatbot and emailing all in one spot. And they have a free tier

For collecting feedback, I'd suggest, which is like Typeform but with a generous free tier and lots of integrations
@truthdeclared Does your client utilize an EMR or EHR? That, integrated with a strong email automation tool, is really the best way to ensure you’re not stuck manually monitoring patient statuses to trigger email sends.

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