Top 3 sites to research sass ideas


New member
I am looking place to do research and validate with right people.
Don’t just post Reddit or any community page .
Post the steps I should do or avoid to filter signal from noise
@beardeddarnell Start with an audience you know you can reach.

Or one you think you can reach, then validate that.

Then pick an idea that's already been done.

Competition is good.

Competition means the idea itself is validated, so then you just need to validate that you can capture the attention of that audience.

I wrote more on that recently here.

Don't overvalue the idea itself. It's all about knowing you can capture attention. Building a product is easy. Finding a valid idea is easy. Start with the hard part.
@beardeddarnell Use keyword planner and Google Search trends.

See which niches are exploding and build something around that.

When you come to launching you will know there is already a market for the problem you are trying to solve.

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