Traditionally in Person Service Business to Online Product?


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I’m a high-end cabinet fabricator and installer with a profitable career. Despite challenges, the demand in this niche, especially in affluent markets, can be lucrative. My business is small, typical for specialized high-end shops due to the skill level required. I outsource some work to nearby manufacturers, handle time-consuming tasks in my shop, and complete installations. I’m facing decisions for my business’s future, and while it won’t be easy, I’m unsure which direction to take.

Running the business solo, I don’t need a large setup or employees. Streamlining by outsourcing to bigger shops with advanced machinery is cost-effective. To grow, I face two paths: A) Take on debt for machines and employees, hoping demand covers the debt, or B) grow gradually, hiring when possible and saving for larger machines and a bigger shop, though it delays reaching my desired scale significantly.

Transitioning to an online business focused on high-quality cabinets for unique custom homes seems like a promising path. I’ve been approached by interested parties to make products to go for sale online for fancy built-ins, coffee stations, pantries, home office setup, even cabinets to function with a home gym system. The idea being individual products with set specifications could be more easily scaled up in production as apposed to me doing a different project every job. I never committed to any of them because I’ve been so focused on my local market and where do you even start? Etsy? Amazon FBA? How do I market this stuff? I’m sure there are 700 online courses on how to create and sell products online. But I do my best thinking through conversation and insight of others.

TLDR: High end cabinet maker needs ideas what/where to sell online
@clarasummerlin I believe you may be best investing in a website with the capability to take orders. Do not depend on other platforms, but use them to expand your reach. They can cut you off for any reason. So build your own website, your own property, an email list, and go from there.

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