TraviL, the app that can turn an ordinary location into a match making utopia


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TraviL uses the principles of augmented reality within a social media platform/dating app to transform a location into a match-making utopia.After a user decides if they would like to meet their match, they can hold their phone up, scan the crowd, and locate their matches avatar in real life.(augmented reality) Locations listed in the app allows users to identify TraviL venues in their area. The users are matched based on Connections listed in the app FRIENDS, LOVE, CASUAL, BUSINESS and GROUP.

The users have the ability to control the type of Connections through a toggle feature, located inside of the app, a helpful component to maximize the social interaction potential at a venue. While the user is at the geolocation they can actively engage in conversation, both privately and in live forum chats with any of the TraviL users via the app.

TraviL utilizes pop- up geolocations to inform users of new locations to connect based on their area. I want TraviL to be a new form of interacting for all of us. It will create benefits for businesses and it will bring a new exciting component from the world of technology straight into our world.

Brick and Mortar 2.0

TraviL has plans to utilize the apps popularity among users to drive up foot traffic to any location. Businesses would have TraviL update their location into the database for users to connect. Announcements are made specifically through the app. One example of this would be if a new theme park opens, they could then pay a fee to TraviL. From there TraviL will update the location into its database to allow the users to connect at this new theme park. I intend to monetize these geolocations using the apps features and users. Competitors such as Tinder and Bumble are not necessarily aware of the role that the venue plays in creating authentic connections. Its easy to connect with someone online we do it all the time, but imagine meeting someone at a concert of the musician you both love its a different experience that TraviL will bring to users. This feature in the app could prove to be a vital component to businesses who have lost consumers during this time.


I started this project 6 MONTHS ago! I have built a team and created and designed a 2D version of TraviL and created the GUI. I am now currently interviewing individuals for prototype development. I even took the idea to Y-Combinator in the hopes that this really is something unique.

TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK I lost my job in the medical community 6 months ago because I was diagnosed with a condition called IIH, and couldn't return back in time. Then TraviL came to me. I am putting my everything into this, I have even enrolled and was excepted to Full Sail for their Mobile Development program. Tell me what you think? Could you see yourself using TraviL? Could you see yourself backing TraviL?

"A person who has never made a mistake, never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein
@stockmanroad As a prospective user, I don’t understand how to use it, what are ‘matches’, how does the app know that someone is a match for me (except the fact that this someone uses the app as well) etc. Could you please tell here a story of two users that meet each other using your app? What is their journey?
@stockmanroad I guess it is a cool idea but you need serious capital for this to be a success. Developing an app like this is gonna be costly but scaling it would be another whole beast. Either way, best of luck.
@jibs Thank you! The feedback is much appreciated!
What is your business? I have a web business where I also help non profits raise funds through text to donate services.
@stockmanroad Really not trying to be negative - but as it stands I’m struggling to understand what people would really use this for - after both reading this post and scrubbing through the video.

I don’t think the AR/find-others-avatars component is really compelling. Why do I need AR, when I can just wave my hand to get someone’s attention? Am I misunderstanding what the point of the AR component is?

Right now it feels like a bunch of ideas jumbled together - I think there’s probably a few good nuggets in there, but I think you might want to pick a specific use case and focus on that to start.
@naldman TraviL is a connection tool, a way to connect with others while you are out. A way to utilize technology in another form. MEETING NEW PEOPLE. Sure you could walk up to someone but you have no way of knowing if they are available, and what they are searching for. This app is valuable for introverts and people that are more comfortable talking through technology. We as a society have become introverts, take for example talking on the phone, its all texting. Its almost awkward now to pick up the phone. Its just easier to meet people, and believe it or not my market research and surveys have told me that users fear rejection face to face. Its the reason why people use dating apps, all I am doing is specifying and simplifying the process and making it more fun for users and less tense. If I went to my favorite concert and I met someone, we both like the same thing. That is what facilitates connections, that is how people gain interest in other people.
@stockmanroad So... it’s a dating app?

I just find it really hard to believe that there’s a massive number of people out there that are going to use a third party app to “connect” to others outside of the context of dating apps/dating.
Also I am sure you do believe, however our ideologies are not in sync. Rightfully so it is your right to feel entitled to your opinion. I however go by instinct. I listen to those around me and the messages from around me and I follow them down a path. This time its TraviL who knows what will come next. You want me to give you an exact reason why I believe in my project? It is because my gut tells me so. And if you read a Y-Combinator article and break down their ideologies, they have a message, and that is the best ideas come from within. They come by following a vision the same way Steve Jobs followed his vision.
@stockmanroad I think this is a great idea. Chatting on Tinder is always fun and easy but when it comes time to agree on some place to actually meet up it can be kind of intimidating...

a dive bar? coffee shop? a hike? all great options but I think it would take the pressure off if there was a list of great places nearby....but I think that could also start to feel kind of some dystopian future where all of our decisions are by data algorithm ... nobody wants that ... everybody wants to feel special.... what if you incorporated the Randonaut formula... look up randonauting... check out the app.... basically you set a radius from your location and it sets a random data point within the radius and based on other perimeters you can enter (void, attaractor, anomaly) this could really bring some magic to the encounter! I always end up somewhere out of the ordinary when I randonaut...

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