Upcoming AmA with Andrew Gazdecki: "I bootstrapped a SaaS company to $10m/ARR - AMA"


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👋 Who is the guest​

Andrew here from MicroAcquire! Startup acquisition marketplace!

MicroAcquire helps startups find buyers. Simple as that. We’ll help you start conversations that lead to an acquisition in just 30 days – for free.

When my company Bizness Apps was acquired in 2018 by a PE firm, it was a bittersweet moment. On the one hand, I’d successfully bootstrapped my company to $10m/ARR+ and a life-changing acquisition. On the other, I’d sold something that took years of blood, sweat, and tears to build. Do I have any regrets? Far from it.

I'm here to answer questions about building your own business, bootstrapping startups, marketing, branding, sales, hiring, startup ideas, acquisitions, and anything else related to startups.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/agazdecki

MicroAcquire: https://microacquire.com/

Bizness Apps: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/business/technology/sd-fi-biznessapps-think3-story.html



I've asked our guest(s) if they can bring a goodie to the community and they said: "I can give away a free guide for SaaS acquisitions, see here: https://microacquire.gumroad.com/l/SaaS-acquisition-eBooks"

🗺️ When and where​

Jul 22, 2021. 11 am PT, 7 pm BST. Click here to see in your time zone

⚡ What you have to do​

  • Click follow (upper right corner).
  • You will get a notification when this AmA starts! Ask your question(s) in the AmA thread that our guest will post, at the stated date and time.

🎙️ Podcast​

Full AmA schedule of upcoming guests here.

Love, Ch Daniel ❤️

AmA started here! - Andrew will come in later to reply, so ask away!​


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