Update for SBA Advance 4/6 applied 3/30


New member
Called today to SBA hotline 1-800-695-2955 to get a status update on my application that I applied to on 3/30.

Rep said:
1) SBA tech team has not built out system to check on application portals
2) do not expect your money in 3 day turnaround time
3) if I haven’t heard anything within 10 business days to call back
4) to check my email for an email from them with a .gov address (anything else is spam) which will mean my application is in process and to note that sometimes the payment will arrive before the email (some folks have gotten checks in the email, others funds deposited into bank account directly) so to keep checking accounts daily too
5) if your business is small you may not get the full $10,000

Hope this helps you not wait on hold for 2.5 hours like I did :)