UpRank - feedback collection platform


New member
I’m developer and IT consultant working in number of online start-ups and doing implementation work for clients. Feedback is important to me; it helps to improve my skills and receive early comments for my business ideas.

I wanted to have a platform where individuals like consultants, doctors, electricians can receive anonymous feedback on their work, and large businesses can receive feedback on their products, services or events like new joggers model or new perfumes etc.

Once enough rankings received user can showcase it on their resume, linkedin, email signature or public website to gain more trust.

Problem with current engines like google map reviews and sites like product-review, is that owner of the product/service has no control over submissions and product profile, users can submit 5 different versions of the same product with slightly different name. UpRank solves this by having business owners maintaining their profiles and having ability approve / decline comments, essentially publishing only good comments leaving bad comments for themselves to consider.

Website https://uprank.me is in technical pre-release stage, but business viability research continues, whether this product has place and charging model e.g. free for personal use and paid for 10 or more profiles. Topics for better website name is being considered like upvote or uptik and any suggestions here would be much appreciated.



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