Use the “getting started” checklist for new users to improve product adoption


New member
Here is the mockup for reference.

✍️ Tips
  • Show first task already done (e.g. Account Created).
  • Design task to show the value of product i.e. how this product can solve user’s problem.
  • Guide user on how to complete the task.
  • Analyze & Optimize: Completion rate, Task completion time, Skipped tasks, Churn rate, Conversion rate (from free to paid user)
  • Attach reward(e.g. product credit, extending trial period) to encourage the user.
  • Experiment with different checklists for different use cases.
@jhunnix I would add that “getting started” happens most of the time right after the registration. This step in the user journey is very important for activation phase(aarrr funnel), so it’s very important to have some AHA moments in your checklist that will show the user how they can use your product to fix their problems. So, we should be careful not to make the checklist for the sake of a checklist or gamification only.
@jhunnix I've been working on something along similar lines! Focussed around increasing trial conversions and product adoption, here’s

I am building a gamified onboarding checklist app to help SaaS improve trial conversions

You can also incentivize your users to do different tasks for product onboarding, see where they dropped off, and get them back by connecting to your MarTech.