Useful/Helpful Software/App/Site Project Ideas List 2017 v.01


New member


something that once you press start/begin for a 'process', works like this way.
  1. shows you a task/goal/item.
  2. after a custom-set, pre-set time has passed like 3 minutes, shows you another step/task/goal -- (each step/task/goal has a specific set time relative to the previous)
  3. continues until the entire set of steps/task/goal/process ends
like for recipes and many many many things


something that shows key goals, and all path-dependent goals. path-dependencies can be connected to multiple key goals. shown in clearly visible and exceptional UI


chrome extension or something that,

shows the quality of a site and page based on the valutation of intelligent and highly educated users?


chrome extension or something that,

shows the rounded %/ratio of youtube votes as a % of views upon search -- should be able to custom colour-coded


in chrome extension form, or something to copy/paste into, and it speaks back to you (tts),

most effective/accurate ML based 1-line key point/summariser of text and video content? since 99% of uneducated ppl are shitty and dont know how to communicate/write/speak


most effective/accurate ML based 1-line key point/summariser of text and video content? since 99% of uneducated ppl are shitty and dont know how to communicate/write/speak


chrome ext or something,

best auto-outliner of video content since academic uploaders, and basically all uploaders, are shitty and don't have timed links or TOC links



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