Validating a micro-saas idea.


New member
  • When you try saas products out, just for curiosity or for inspo, most of them might be behind a paywall, and provide you free trials for a certain period after taking your card details.
    • But you don’t have a platform to track all your trials, that sometimes you might miss out and end up paying for it.
    • I want to solve this but one question :
      Does this add value to you as a customer ? Will you be okay to pay to use it ?
    • I know there’s the irony of trying to monetize an audience who’s not willing to pay upfront. But I feel it’d be a value addition that you can try out a lot more products now.
@katerinab I thought about this, too, but it could also be solved by a spreadsheet.

There would be more value if I had all running subscriptions in the list as well, so that I wouldn't miss any Auto-renew. But I wouldn't really want to spend time either inserting them all.
@lalagata Yes agreed, manually entering these details is a hassle. What if I could automate this, I’m thinking of a browser extension that can capture the details whenever you sign up for a free trial/ add a new subscription
@katerinab Maybe. But I still don't know if I would want to add previous subscriptions there, which is a must. Because if I did want to spend that time, I could solve the problem without an external app.

So, there needs to be something more.
@lalagata Make sense, I asked in some other subreddits too, everyone had similar opinions. Dropping this since :

1. It'd be very hard to monetize the free loaders.

2. Target audience is very narrow.

I'll come back with some other dumb idea, something will stick
@lalagata As someone with ADHD, I would love this app to exist! Target it and folks with ADHD and I think you’re onto a winner. It would save a ton of stress (open loops in brain). If you could build in a ‘click to cancel’ button that would be amazing.

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