Videolegevakt - By ordinary people - For ordinary people


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Videolegevakt is a Norwegian telehealth startup that provides high-quality healthcare at a very affordable price. Our medical team consists of carefully selected diligent and dedicated individuals with a solid background in clinical medicine and Norwegian authorization who are always happy to help you with any kind of medical questions you have.

Problem Solving:

To get high quality healthcare cheaply and easily

Main Features:
  • Video emergency room is open from 9 to 21 every
  • day
  • All our doctors are hand-picked
  • Drop-in or appointment booking
  • Your information will be kept secret
Why Unique?

We are the most convenient doctor in Norway

Target Market:

Everyone with an internet connection and a smartphone


High quality healthcare at a very reasonable price without any waiting


We will greatly appreciate your valuable comments and suggestions.

Christian Lundstad - CEO

Thank you in advance!