Visual Q&A Startup

Hello! I've posted about this a couple times and.. I'm back for more! Your feedback has been great & I have been talking to some super interesting people as a result.

I've just launched my new website - It is not ready for mobile.. but I will get to that.

Some feedback would be sweeeet!

Also looking for young designers in London to come launch this thing we us - message me or email me through the website.

@questionsandanswers Firstly, its not obvious that its a working demo. It took a while. An automated video loop might work better to demonstrate how the app works. Figuring out UX quirks is a barrier that a new user who has no clue what the app does could do less with.

Also maybe being a bit more descriptive with what that app does might help as well. "Visual Q/A" is too abstract.

Hope the constructive criticism helps! Good to see a fellow Londoner here :)
@questionsandanswers I like the concept of a live demo but as said in a previous comment, it will be easier to understand with a video rather than a demo (even if there are some highlights). I'm sure some will leave your website without having seen there was a demo.
Fore sure, you can still let your live demo but you need something else before. User needs more info I guess.

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