vRobin Freelancing Marketplace


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We are a small team of developers and freelancers, working together as a freelancer for quite a while.

We thought to build a freelancing marketplace of ourselves.

The difference it has is it will accept bitcoins as well for payments.

Let me know what you guys think of this.

Currently its just website the web application will launching soon.

vRobin : Website
@judyperalta They are not much manage like escrow sending proposals, tracking spends and earning etc. They are just job listings and don't have enhanced tools. We are going to build something exactly like Upwork with bitcoin payment option.
@roger5599 Going to build so your still not actually any different. Why are you so heavy on bitcoin? 99% of the world doesn’t use it, you’re limiting the market significantly.
@judyperalta We are just adding bitcoin as 1 option. Other options would be there. Previously I used to work as freelancer and most of my clients payed me in Bitcoin (outside platform) there are many people who made a fortune in it and they are looking to spend it.

We are not leaving other people behind we will attract them with offers and coupons and low fees.