W24 applications view first by 3 alumni then by 4 advisors, and then?


New member
Hi guys, I apply for the W24 just before the deadline, in the same night my application have 3 views from different countries (sure is alumni’s), 1 week ago I have 4 new view (I assume is partners).
Does anyone know what the process is like?
I believe that when passing through the alumni filter it is reviewed by 3-4 partners, they assign a score and then the highest ones are reviewed by the rest of the partners to end up deciding who goes to the interview.
Of course if from e.g. 20,000 application the alumni choose 10,000 and that partners review 100 per day, they need 20 days to review each 2,000 applications (4 group of partners, each group 2,000), then in the day 21 they review the highest score and choose e.g. 500 for interview.
If is like this I think the highest score are reviewed between November 12 and 16.
@heartsrose74 You mean someone visited your website that no one knows about? And you automatically assume it's YC? Have you heard of Google crawlers? Robots? Google search?
@rmh716 Perfect, similar to me.
If you have again new views tell me please. Sure when we have new views is because the application go to the next level just before announcement for the interview.
Before that YC alumni when i applied from Israel reviewed my application and he looked my LinkidIn page.
@pmsh I talked to an YC alumni who did these firsts reviews and that was what he said... but I don't know if it's what happens to every single app
@pmsh Because I don’t have views in the website in the last months, and just when I aplícate I have this 3 new views. I Can see city’s. And similar to strict-egg then 4 new views from eeuu appear.
@pmsh No, I don’t assume, for that is my question. I think first filter is alumni, I see that in differents forum, then second filter is 4 partners, and then the last filter is the others partners (sure in this filter is a very small amount of startups). A partner told in a forum that when they choose for interview all the partners take a look of the application.

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