Want to create a new category on G2 for your product? Here's how I created one in 6 months

Well I think G2 has very shady operations and pricing. It becomes difficult for some category creation companies to get on right G2 category. Same was a case of ours. You can now know the process.

It takes around 6-8 months to get one created. Similar to this one, which we did: Notification Infrastructure

We are on #1 currently - SuprSend

This is the process to get one started:
  • You'll need to open a new support ticket with the subject 'Creation of new category {_categoryname}'. Your ticket need to contain necessary info, I'll share them on a blog post soon.
  • Once a support rep is assigned to you, they would pass the ticket to internal categorisation team, for analysis on proposed category.
  • Once it is approved from internal categorisation team, see screenshot, it then goes to the assigned account manager who will get on a call with you to understand more on that category.
  • After which you will need to give few other vendors who will fit in this category.
  • Then each vendor is contacted, to get the category verified, and whether they fit the context.
  • After this, in around 1 month more, you will get a new category created.
There are some more nuiances like a loom verification call, feature verification for category, and account rep verification. I'll cover them in a separate blog which I'll post on my LinkedIn. You can connect there.

I think a lot of companies are working in this category creation space, and they need a defining category for them. Getting one on G2 can empower them with first-mover advantage. They should try out. A lot of great companies started their own category. Do DM me on LinkedIn, if you have any questions around.


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