Watch me build a product from scratch in 24 hours


New member
I just had an idea for a fun product to build. I’d to build in public and share a timelapse video.

For context, I am a product designer with expertise in no-code development.

The product is essentially a commitment app. For example, would you like to have your friend go hiking with you next week and you really want him to commit? Or would you like sit and sprint-build a product like I’m doing now? You can simply create a commitment, like a contract and then reward yourself if you/they fulfill or face a consequence if you/they don’t.

Development process:
1. Sketch product on paper (user flow, etc) - 3 hours
  1. Design high-fidelity in Figma - 5 hours
  2. Build with Bubble - 16 hours
Anyone remotely interested in watching me build this or think this product could be cool?

Please give me a thumbs up or upvote 👍🏽

I’m open to suggestions as well :)

Did a rough sketch on paper. Check out the images here

sketch 1

sketch cont

UPDATE 2: I have three design themes. It’s hard to pick one. Which do you suggest I go with?

Check image here UI themes

Pink, white or green?

UPDATE 3: Decided to go with the white theme as someone here suggested.

I’ve begun building on Bubble. I’m practically done with the UI. I’ll be moving to the database side of thing as soon as I’ve had some rest.

Meanwhile check out the home page below. The copy is terrible (open to input from others).

homepage screenshoot

Let me know what you guys think 😁

UPDATE 4: Hey guys,
After hours of brutal work, I’ve developed an MVP here. Please use mobile and send me a kommit

It hasn’t been deployed live yet so please use the link above. Let me know if something is broken and I’ll love to have your feedback and suggestions.

You can test it out with friends :)

P.S I really need your feedback. I’d appreciate it a lot!

UPDATE 5: I need to compile the videos. It’s bits and pieces but you’d see me build from scratch. I’ll do that tomorrow as I’m really tired right now.

Thanks again for the cheer everyone :)

Here's a timelapse of me working on the Kommit

Thanks to everyone testing!

Hi everyone,
So sorry I haven't been able to share the app creation clip. It was about 5 hours long but I shorten it to 2 hours, however, YouTube won't let me upload it. I'd appreciate suggestions on how I can go solve this.
@613jono It scales up to a point, I guess. At a hundred thousand user it would just be smarter to use code. Right now I have a product with 12k+ users completely built with Bubble.

It’s absolutely ideal for validating an idea.
@daisy34 Well, the biggest advantage was that I created something people actually wanted.

I reached out to my friends and cold messaged people on Twitter to try it out and give a shout-out.

I also did this small hack where I’d find related tweets with lots of engagement and plug in my product in a very non-intrusive way.
@peace608 Very nice. Very valuable. Thanks for sharing. 🙏👍🙌

As far as determining the "something people actually wanted". How did you go about it?
- Are you in the industry and knew this was a pain point?
- Did you do a survey at some point?
- Were people asking about it on Twitter/Facebook groups?
@daisy34 Thank you.

It’s a very simple product to be honest with you. I was on the other side where I had access to something, and I had people(mostly friends) who wanted access to the said thing. I just decided to build it for them.

Also, there were always conversations around it online so it was easy to know that people wanted it.
UPDATE: Decided to go with the white theme as someone here suggested. I’ve begun building on Bubble. I’m practically done with the UI. I’ll be moving to the database side of thing as soon as I’m rested.

Meanwhile check out the home page below. The copy is terrible (open to input).

homepage screenshot

Let me know what you guys think 😁

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