We got rejected by YC 9 times but got funded by Jason Calacanis!


New member
Happy Friday everyone! Just a short encouragement post for rejection day!

We've applied to YC at least 9 times, for all kinds of startups and ideas. All rejections with 1 interview lol

But in May when we got rejected for the S24 batch, we joined Founder University, a pre-accelerator program, no guaranteed funding but with great sessions and workshops! At the end of the program, their team was impressed with our progress and introduced us to the main LAUNCH Accelerator, where we had an interview and got in for their LA30 cohort/batch! 🍾

The program has been going great so far, we're learning a lot about business, growth and fundraising. They invest $100k for 6% and each week they bring investors for the startups to pitch to! Including Sequoia!

We're probably going to apply to YC again 😅, unless we raise our pre-seed round before the batch!

So, yea this might sound like a bragging right post, but really I just want to let people know that even though YC is amazing there are other accelerators out there, just as good as YC!

Even if you get rejected, drop the ego,, work on your startup and apply again and again!


@maxgraham Congrats! I love Jason’s podcast. But my impression he doesnot over invest, may I ask you how much you raised. Boy 9 times this absolute grit and perseverance!

Would mind share your start-up?
@sweetheart1 Thank you!
I don’t mind sharing the startup just I didn’t want to make the post seem like a promotion lol
We’re building an all-in-one partnership platform for tech startups, https://tolt.io - Right now we only support the launch of affiliate programs.

We raised $100k as part of their accelerator but we’re now in discussions with some investors that we pitched to from the LAUNCH program, for our main pre-seed round.


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