We just launched an On-Demand Assistant Service Targeting Tourists, Expats and Elderly person


New member
A little background about myself. I'm originally from Thailand and have been living in Japan for like 8 years already and my Japanese still sucks lol. Everything about living here is great except a lot of things still have to be done through making phone calls, physical paper work online form in Japanese and stuff. If you guys have experienced in Japan or visit any Japanese website you would know that they like to make things long and complicated. Such a hassles to do stuff.

One of the most painful experience was a few years ago when I got sick and need to see a doctor. I have to call different clinics, explain my symptoms and ask if they are available for me to visit over the phone with my very limited Japanese. Such a bad experience but necessary. At that time I really wish i could have a personal assistant or someone who I can always contact and get these kind of stuff done for me.

But to hire a full time assistant is expensive. I could ask my friends for help but it would disturb them, or If I am a person that is new to the country and don't have any friend yet then I have no one to call. Online assistant like ChatGPT or Siri and stuff is good for research but can't execute the task. If I want to get access to a concierge service then I would need quite a high tier credit card which I'm not eligible. There is no solution out there that is good for me, I have no choice but to build one lol.

After a few months in development, finally, we launched our MVP two weeks ago callbutler.me .Which will be a personal assistant for anyone and we will charge our customers by tasks. No subscription, no long term commitment. It would generally cost 4 USD per task. For finding and calling the clinics in the above example it would just cost me 8 USD, which I would happily pay that money if I don't have to deal with all that hassles. Call Butler is now available in Thailand, Japan and Taiwan. If you guys ever coming to any of these countries feel free to reach out to us. We will deal with all the hassles for you.

Our tag line: You are Bruce Wayne and we are your Alfred.

@amduke26 I like your branding, I find it interesting and appealing, but I suggest you have a very well-defined strategy. A logical plan to measure specific results and not waste time on random things. This Smart Planning Tool makes a personalized plan full of tips, strategies and insights that you can adopt.

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