We made a tool that adds merge tag text to images


New member
We help improve click through rates in emails by automatically adding text to images wherever you can paste HTML (Mailchimp, Klaviyo etc!)

An example, change the name at the end to see the image update:

https://okzest.com/loadimage?c=AbOHw7ix50qyNXVf3fp9SQ&i=xFv8aWmUHkOIM72Rck6gJQ&name=Reddit User

Now add that into an email with merge tags and FNAME gets replaced with the first name of the email recipient!


You can sign up for 100 free images per month and we would love to get your feedback, we have lots of features planned and will priotise based on the feedback. https://okzest.com

@katania I see. Imo it's going to be tough sell until you prove somehow the benefits. The free tier is not really generous when I can send thousands of emails with one click with MailChimp. Also, if only 20% get open, what happens? Do I pay for all the emails not opened?
@theneedy The free tier is there to act more like a demo before having to give credit card information, so you can use our tool and see how the image shows in MailChimp.

The 'credits used' is only for images that get downloaded so if 100% open the email but don't have images enabled, no credits would be used.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll try and answer those questions on the homepage.

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