We made a tool to make the job search easier


New member
The job search sucks. Sending out hundreds of applications each month (or week) only makes it worse. How are you supposed to keep track of who’s rejected you, who’s ghosted you, and who wants to interview you? Hint: It’s not Google Sheets or Notion templates.

In our words, "we’re tired of all the ish involved in the job search". We want to make it easier to get hired, and give Google Sheets and Notion a break.

Introducing job-ish, a tool to help make the job search a little less painful. My wife and I (and a couple of friends) are excited to share what we’ve been working on for the past few months.

In its current form, it’s a kanban-style dashboard with built-in analytics and advanced searching/filtering, but we have some big plans for the future.

We’re launching our beta this week— it’s pretty minimal and we expect some bugs. We’re looking for, and open to, your feedback. Check it out at https://www.job-ish.com/ and let us know what you think!
@elaineb97 Really like the idea. The landing page is very well done, the colors are visually pleasing and the wording is on point.
Just a quick note, when checking the page from phone, the FAQs text don't show completely