Website getting opened but not used?


New member

Understandably the mobile version needs work, but wondering why the desktop users aren't trying out the website before leaving?

It's advertised primarily to job applicants organically so wondering how to achieve activation on the home page..
  1. Would a PH badge really help validate and push users to try?
  2. "Try for free. No CC required" below generate might make it even more cluttered - WWYD?
  3. I've seen live counters "X did Y from Z" that might make it less boring to look at. But feels like cheating?
Thanks and Regards
@bess78 You need to show some example letters on your homepage. Also 20 letters in your monthly plan is hardly anything if you're out of work and looking for a job. People can easily send 20 a day.
@elilybell Cool! thanks for your advice.

Since the entire flow (free) is 30 seconds, i'd hoped for them to easily try and see the product quality.

But yes that takes effort..

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