Weekly Update: Eurotripr - A Short Break and Some SEO Content


New member
Email Subscribers: 17

Paid Members: 0

Advertisers: 0

Published Interviews: 13

Published Blog Posts: 40

Countries: 55

Cities: 150

Things to Do: 49

Itineraries: 2

YouTube Videos: 3

YouTube Subscribers: 0

Twitter Followers: 15

MRR: $0

I was forced to take a short break from working on Eurotripr.com due to deadlines for projects for my 9-5. However, I was able to publish some content to the site this week. I hope continuing to put little bits of content in the form of travel tip articles and traveler interviews will help with SEO as I build the site out. Nothing exciting, but necessary to continue working on SEO as I resume inputting country/city/attraction costs and data and build itineraries to help users plan affordable trips to Europe.

I published an interview with Vince Poon about is travels around the Mediterranean, which I hope will inspire others to do so. Vince shared a lot of good advice on where to go and how to do so. I have another interview to proofread and publish, and just sent out 3 more interview invitations so hoping to continue to publish more. For anyone interested in reading Vince's interview, you can read it and others here: https://eurotripr.com/travel-stories/interviews.

I also posted a short article on city discount cards and recorded and uploaded a video of me creating and posting the article - how I use the content manager and media library I built for the site, as well as how I use ChatGPT to enhance my content and draft tweets to promote the article. For anyone interested, you can view the video on my new YouTube channel here:

It wasn't the most productive 2 weeks, and I have a ton of work still to do for my day job, not to mention family and other obligations this weekend and next week, but I'm hoping to resume momentum and have more to report next week: more itineraries, more completed cities and attractions, more blog posts, and more youtube videos of travel tips to help people going to Europe this summer.

I'd really love to see some more traffic to the site soon. Right now I maxed out at 223 visitors, but my bounce rate is 60%, and return visitors are next to nil. Still a long way to go.

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