What are industries with growth potential in 2023 and beyond?

I’ve run my own SEO consulting business since 2011. Unfortunately there have been about 4.7 trillion “best ways to work from home” articles published in the last 2 years listing SEO as one of the more favorable ways to make money virtually, so between newbies, ad agencies, and others trying to sell SEO its just becoming too saturated.

I started doing SEO in 2004 because it was clear that people would need a starting point when searching for a product or service on the “web”.

It was clear as day that future potential was there, so I did some side consulting for an agency as a freelancer, got experience, worked for a company for 3 years then started my own business in 2011. I offered web dev and SEO, my first 5 years I killed it.

Around 2018 or so SEO in the legal field (I got into the legal niche which was great from a B2C standpoint) was so saturated that it was impossible to compete. My average client stayed around for 3-4 years and I always had a steady pipeline of leads and referrals, but as the market continued to be saturated I had a hard time landing new clients. Once covid came around and marketing budgets were destroyed it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I maintained a few side clients and had to take a job, spent the last 2 years working for 2 different agencies and hated it.

Looking for a new SEO job but every posting out there either doesn’t pay enough or isn’t what I’m looking for. I’m about to sell my house and I want to find a business idea that I think has future growth potential. I don’t trust any of the nft stuff, I have flirted with a virtual call center to help businesses qualify leads as well as a Turo business near an airport renting out cars. I still have some side SEO work but what are some industries or business ideas that you believe have solid growth potential over the next 5,10,20 years?
@seekerofthelivingword I think it will boil down to what you are ultimately trying to accomplish. What’s the end result you are trying to attain? Work backwards and you’re odds of figuring out the solution is going to be a bit better. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself, disguised as something different
@seekerofthelivingword You have comprehensive experience in SEO, and moving to a very different area might be tough. So, diversifying into related growing fields like SEO content creation, advertising, and organic content marketing might work here.

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