What are the best strategies to find new potential customers online?


New member
If you ever tried growing a business, there’s at least one thing you’ve learned.

Building a great product isn’t enough to be successful.

If you’re not proactive enough at finding potential customers, no one will ever know that your solution even exists.

Eager to help to solve this problem, 2 years ago I embraced a new challenge to help great products reach the people who need them.

A lot was learned and a lot was achieved on this journey. So the beginning of the new year made me reflect on some of the best strategies I've used to help teams get new customers at their door over the past years.

In the end, I ended up compiling a list of 11 best strategies to find new potential customers online:
  1. People interacting with LinkedIn posts that mention something relevant to your product
  2. New managers on specific growing teams
  3. People attending conferences relevant to your ICP
  4. People that didn't attend a relevant conference but their company did
  5. Companies featured on famous lists that use a tool you integrate with
  6. People asking questions on Slack, LI, FB groups
  7. Companies approving next year budgets
  8. People posting unhappy reviews about one of your competitors
  9. Companies that recently fundraised
  10. People that enjoy some of your openly available resources
  11. People in the field with common interests and hobbies
> You can find a detailed guide with actionable steps for each of these strategies. Feel free to take a look.

Any feedback is much appreciated 🙌
@erictolliver Your first few customers have to be won in hand to hand battle. meaning you have to do things that do not scale , this includes responding to questions of your potential customers . and this is very underrated . also doing SEO , and collaborations are some minimum investment high profitability channel.
@amberwill22 okay, some of those would be going where your prospects hang out whether it's Twitter, Reddit, forums, or anywhere, and being a help and sparking conversation and relationships with them. you can definitely convert some of them to clients no matter what niche you are in. Having a blog and writing content that helps your audience is huge as well, I personally used these strategies again and again to get clients and it works every time. feel free to message me if you want to talk more

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