What are the top 3 or 5 sweaty startup businesses that meet these requirements?


New member
1. Year round work even with winter.
2. Low start up cost. Under 1000 dollars.
3. Could charge 50 to 250 dollars per hour.

Given those requirements, what are your top 3 or 5?
@prothomas This is a poorly thought through question. Do some homework and take 15 minutes to think about what would work for you.

Winter where?

Most services in the sweaty startup are are low cost of entry because they are physical labor. Anything requiring special equipment or vehicles is obvious.

Charging over $100 per hour is getting into skilled/trade labor pricing, if you had a skill or trade you wouldn't be asking. However, services priced on value rather than per hour can see a high per hour rate if you can perform many jobs in a day.

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