What are your pro tips for analyzing payments subscription data (e.g. Stripe)?


New member
Hey founders, how do you analyze and derive insights on your Subscription data? Specifically how do you calculate and report on metrics like MRR, churn rate, refund rate. And dimensions or insights to help understand where these metrics are most extreme?

I know there are tools for later stage companies but interested in the methods in this users in this subreddit use? Spreadsheets or some other tools?

Would love to hear the problem your company is solving, its size, and how you analyze your subs data!
@nucleous I don't have refunds. My terms on my subscription services prohibit refunds.

I have my own simple dashboard in my products that lets me see users and since each new user gets a sequential user ID, I can determine churn easily enough.

I keep my business income and expenses in Quickbooks, so I use the various QB reports to get what I need.

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