What can I do with $500


New member
I wanted to know what business to start with low cost, I know it's not going to be success overnight. I have a truck, I have bad credit but I wanted to start an LLC and build with that, I'm going to a software dev bootcamp in a month but I want to do something now. when I start my bootcamp its going to start form 9-4p.m. The current job I work form 5 - 3:30 p.m Wanted to replace it. I was thinking cleaning service since I have a truck. Does anyone have any Ideas of what I can start and how I can go about it? serious answers only.
@nmd Cleaning houses/yards, hauling junk/brush, mow yards, and/or wash windows. None would be super expensive to get going. If I were to go for one, I'd probably try out window washing. Grab some glass cleaner, some hand towels, and a squeegee and start making rounds to businesses. Maybe offer a weekly or biweekly package. It might not get you rich quick but could be a decent gig that you could add services to and grow over time.
@vatl Ok that’s sounds good I drive a 2002 tundra will that be a problem just don’t want it to be an eye sour but should I start an LLC first or just do it?
@nmd Most people aren't going to care what you're driving. If you're going somewhere super swanky and feel out of place, maybe don't park right at the front door. You're performing grunt work, not driving them to a fancy dinner.

As for the structure someone else would probably be better help, I'm not that guy. Ultimately you might want to be registered as some kind of entity and have insurance and such but personally I would probably try things out as a sole proprietor for a bit until I decided that I actually had something to roll with and that I would want to do. What I might do may not be the best advice though
@vatl @nmd I'll piggy back on this and say skip the LLC for now... you've got 1 month before your bootcamp starts and an LLC will cost you roughly $100 to form. You will still want to get insurance (never step foot or do work on someones property without it). I would wait to see if this business idea pans out once the bootcamp starts... if it becomes something you find you have the time for, brings in enough money, and is something you enjoy doing... then form a LLC, until then it's a side hustle.
@nmd Yes, you would just be functioning as a sole proprietor (business uses your name) or you could go the DBA/Fictitious name route as well. Sole proprietor doesn’t take any paperwork or cost anything to start in my state… DBA/Fictitious name does cost a little, but less then an LLC.
@nmd I'm going to start off with the disclaimer to think long and hard about going down the road of credit, especially a business line of credit for an idea that is unproven by you...

With that out of the way... double check, but I'm fairly confident in saying that you can still open up a business bank account (along with credit line) as a sole proprietor as long as you have a EIN. It maybe a harder hoop to jump through at some banks or require proof of a legitimate business... but it shouldn't be unmanageable if you do some due diligence.
@613jono I was thinking about washing windows my current job sucks but my mom is being petty so I might have to move out before (was already advised in another rant sub) but I need to make enough to support my self just in case.
@nmd Thats probably the cheapest option for entry. You should be able to easily afford enough to at least start washing ranch/one story homes. As you grow you can always invest in more equipment to become efficient, bigger, what have you. It sounds like the clock is ticking now though, so get a little more research on the bare minimum you need equipment and chemical wise and start hitting the streets.
@nmd Animal services are going to be a continuous money maker.
Only do this if you truly love animals.

Get bonded so you can offer home services like animal sitting, house sitting, general handy service like general cleanup and changing lightbulbs or whatever you are comfortable with.

That insurance bond isn't expensive but it's a key part of showing you are trustworthy.

Call around to local insurance providers and ask about a service bond insurance policy.
@nmd It's a service insurance policy that protects you and your customers from any liability issues. Basically you are covered from anything happening when you are on their property.

It's a general liability insurance policy.

Same as plumbers or other trade person working on a clients site
@nmd Call around now or look online for insurance for whatever you are at risk of. Basically in business it a matter of when, not if you will have an issue and you don't want to be sued without an insurance policy to protect your business.