what can i do with stone (granite/quartz/marble)? want your opinion too


New member
i currently work as a CnC operator for my uncle at his stone fabrication shop. I have access to a lot of scrap pieces that end up getting thrown out. Since i am the Cnc operator i can cut things up myself but i do not know how to polish but would be willing to learn.

I have though about making cheese platters/ cutting boards that i can sell online. looking on etsy. i can easily undercut any competitor because i am getting my material for free and if my uncle charges me for water/sand to cut my material it would be minimal.

another option i have looked into is making custom letters. like a 8x8 inch letter T /A/D etc. he would most likely charge me a bit more since these cuts require more water jet (more garnet). but again i don't see him charging me an arm.

i was thinking about what other custom ideas i could do. i have also thought about shipping these fragile and heavy items and was thinking how much that would really affect my pricing.

this is the machine i work with everyday -

i have been thinking about these ideas for the past year now but feel like i lose confidence when i talk about these ideas with other people. this is my first post here and would really appreciate some feedback!

edit- i have also thought about doing puzzle pieces ! something like this - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/...U-_H0eKecgCYJip5b6rZg9hci277Bd7qPb19c4E4g5U&s
@revelation2012 thanks for the advice and opportunity! i thought my reply sent before but my phone but it never went thru

after being in stone industry for a year and change now i easily saw that there are many different branches to "stone". headstones are a completely different industry since they focus more on the "blasting" the stone while what we do here is cutting and polishing from scratch, no engraving, basically custom fabrication on kitchens/countertops/etc
@jacusmc18 If you're just using smaller portions of marble/granite etc, I think you're on the right path of extra side money. Idk how big of pieces you typically have left over, but you might also consider small counter tops for sinks or something similar.

Edit: thinking about it, you could make other small knickknacks like Ash trays, soap dishes, coasters, etc. Small things to just get the most of the pieces you have.
@rls again im still stepping on his toes,

if a customer walks in and purchases a new kitchen , if they ask for a cutting board from the material they already bought, they would just charge them at that point since it would be cheaper than me trying to up sell them