What do i do next?


New member

I recently started a residential cleaning business and I am not sure what to do next to get clients or grow. Below I will post what my cleaning business is all about and what questions that are stopping me from being the company I envisioned in my head when I first purchased the LLC. I am willing to learn, try, and fail.


1. Douglas Cleaning and Services, we specialize in residential and commercial cleaning services that improve indoor air quality by utilizing eco-friendly products and air filters. Our commitment to customer satisfaction means that we ask for feedback after the first clean and implement improvements to ensure that every clean is as perfect as the first.


1. Poor indoor air quality in homes and offices can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues.

What I have:

1. LLC

2. I have a quote to get insured ready for when I get my first cleaning Gig.

3. Logo

4. A team that have over 30 years of cleaning experience.

5. professional phone number and Email

What's Stopping me:

1. How do I find clients?

2. How do I create a client recruiting system?

3. Is calling every business in my county that i can find on yellow pages okay?

1. What do i say?

4. Is it worth handing out hand written letters to every home i pass?

5. I went for low handing fruit and contacted everyone in my contact list but no one has gotten back to me. (Was this the move?)

6. How do I network?

7. Can i do a referral program where for each person you refer to me, you get 5% of the cost to clean their home, and 8% for each clean if they decide to do reoccurring cleaning?

8. I cannot seem to find a steady way to quote, so i cam up with this equation to ensure i am always making profit, what do you think?

1. 3. ((Time To Clean * Cost of Labor) *2.5) + Additional Expenses)

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