What do you think of this entrepreneurial brand idea?


New member
Hey guys! I am in a phase right now with a concept/idea where I am trying to see how the market feels about it and how it could help them, benefit them, provide them value, what job it will satisfy for the audience of the brand, etc. Your guys's feedback will be highly value-able to me no matter what it may be. I want your honest opinions!

The brand is basically going to be a media production/news "company" that I want to revolve solely around the starting aspect of entrepreneurship and business. The nothing to something within business. The 0 to 0.1 in business. The topics can be as niched down as "starting the hiring process within a food brand company." That is the concept behind it.

I want to implement live Q&A's with successful founders for content via Youtube, Podcast, IG, and more along with obviously other pieces to help people wanting to start certain processes within business and entrepreneurship.

I also want to start a series of short movies that explain these processes sort of like "explained" by Vox if any of you have seen those.

That's basically it though! I want to create this media/news brand because I haven't really seen anything pertaining to this certain niche in business. But let me know what you guys think about the concept!
@tiberiumnos It’s very niche, and there’s likely a lot of competitors (from people slightly less inch) but good luck to you!
Start with costs low and see where you end up!
@tiberiumnos There are lots of others that do this. Watch their content and see what you can add

pod cast - side hustle podcast. + many more

youtube channels. company man. Every business channel interviews ceos.

There are youtube vlogs of entrepreneurs.
@tiberiumnos I mean there are a million companies selling "how to make it in business " e books. And I've never heard good reviews on them. What will make you different?
@jamesuk The brand I’m planning on being very different with production and posting of all type of media. My goal isn’t at all “here’s how you will make it” no no no. It’s more for niched info about starting. Diving deep into all aspects of that in particular. From that the people can assess and act upon their situation.

Does that make sense? 😂
@tiberiumnos It makes a little bit of sense. So more of a self help and motivation thing? I mean startups in different industries require completely different things, although I'm sure there are a few general categories of things that all start ups must do. Things like making a business plan, making sure you have a customer base locked in, things of that nature?
@jamesuk Yes and it could touch on all. Of course niching it down to starting and everything that would go into the initial steps then some info on evolution of those aspects. So it's really just quality media for people to leverage off of I guess.
There are other facets and auxiliaries I’d like to pursue along site this idea here that can demand subscriptions and all that good stuf. But I know if I pursue this in particular, profits would come from sponsorships, ad spots, etc like any other news/media company.

I’m fully prepared to make small amounts of money for a while with this. But I do have stuff in the back of my mind.

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