What Do you Think of This Idea?

The idea is 'for' food delivery startup.

Problem- Often when we order online food delivery they take time for
  1. To place The Order
  2. time For food to Prepare
  3. Time for food to get deliver
Third Point is what my idea is about. There are many office employees , students etc etc who are very hungry & had to wait for the lunch time to arrive & then they place the order(in case they forget to bring the food from home). similarly in case friends decided to hold the party where the food be delivers online they have to wait.

& frm personal experience waiting for food is not the time one enjoy.

Idea- What is there be some sort of online locker system where they can just order food in advance & the delivery boy place the put the order in the allocated locker.

The delivery boy & costumer get same passcode for locker to open or close,

here how it works- Costumer place the order to online food company. food company then book locker . We allot the locker a random passcode . This password & locker number then be shared with consumer & delivery boy.

delivery boy arrive open the locker put the order . Consumer come during lunchtime take the order which he had already placed. I am also thinking to add advertisement display on top & some sensors frm where we collect data let's say like temperature humidity etc etc.(adding another source of revenue with company paying to book locker)

issue is with the security, how can i further improve it and also how can I maintain food temperature(if possible).

I know I require huge fund for this to actually work.Any advice where I can obtain fund would be helpful & also how to further secure the food.

& also how can I get started as i have limited funds so at most right now i can just let's say only prepare prototype & my funds shall be poof gone.

And this to operate i would need at least 10 places with array of lockers each having around 6 *4/5 lockers at least.(also are there any similar startup out there?)

any advice how can I get funds this large & also how can i further improve the idea?

And also how can I stop others to copy the idea (yeah maybe this is my first time having some idea t i am afraid someone can copy it)..as people with decent connections & fund can just copy it.

**I shared it here because I thought f**k it if someone gonna copy this concept they gonna do it anyway to I decided to leave it to God!!
@threeblueeyedgirls I've had a similar idea.

My takeaway (lol) is 5 or 6 "deliveries" are made together at one spot by the same restaurant makes it worthwhile. If you have the right capacity and geographic placement it could work for some areas.
@threeblueeyedgirls Bud, I’m sorry but your idea is bad.

If you know lunch is at 12pm and it takes 15-20 mins to have food delivered, instead of ordering at at 11:40 to a locker, you can just order at 11:40 and go pick it up. No need for wasted space with lockers. In no world would this ever work or be needed. Replace locker with front desk, and you have our current system. The literal only difference you’re suggesting is to add a ton of lockers for people to stuff food into. Which is stupid, frankly. And a waste of office space.

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