What is VenturNova?


New member
Hi Guys, I'm a 2nd year CS student at the (UofC). I have just launched an app for the STARTUP COMMUNITY (VenturNova). Can you'll please join and provide feedback on how I can improve and expand its reach? ☺️

Thank you so much. You guys are the best!
@newname1972 Here's my honest review

The moment I saw the post the idea felt something exciting and downloaded the app at the instant only to face disappointment
  1. The core idea is not clear. Whether the app is for getting Co-founders for someone with an idea or for real startups with real times. Don't say both bcz it's not gonna work in that way. Any startup Founder wants to be a part of productive community not something where others just promote their services(like someone made a post on your app)
  2. The description of your startup both on Reddit posts and App stores is completely misleading and giving false hopes like it happened with me.
  3. The feature of TrendUp is a mess. It's unclear. So, just make an explanatory video giving a tour of the app features and what happens when you click on a button/icon
  4. A startup promoting their product/services is okay as the platform is aimed at startups. But we don't need another platform where individuals promote their services or posts like "Looking for a job"/"Hire me"