What next? (FB ads)


New member

I've had what I'd call my first "successful" Facebook ads campaign.

For reference, I'm selling self help course online.

Until this moment I had spent over 800usd on Facebook ads without getting a single sale.

Anyways, I've spent the past few months perfecting my funnel and reading a ton of books on marketing and my latest FB ads campaign went somewhat OK.

I'm running different ads to try to test what works best, so far the one that converts most has a 5% CTR and the one that gets most clicks has a 6% CTR (although I think it gets clicks and no sales just because the image and headlines are crazy).

So, what next?

Because right now I'm earning roughly 25% of what I'm spending with ads.

I'm confident that with further testing of the ads I can get this number up to 40%-ish. Still not breaking even though.

Here is what I'm thinking:

A. Increase front end price of my offer (right now it's $9 but the perceived and actual value are so good it'd still be a steal even for $19 imo).

B. Retarget abandoned carts, either towards the same ad or towards a lighter commitment "free lead magnet" + email marketing.

C. Completely stop selling that product through ads and instead focus on building a list through a free lead magnet and sell only through emails.

D. All of the above?

I'll add that the front end sales from the ad should theoretically transform into more and more sales down the line since I'm also running an email campaign that leads to a premium digital product and a high ticket coaching.

Curious to hear your thoughts as to what's next to break even and then start really earning some cash in your opinion?
@seandon0691 Congratulations on the improvement in your Facebook ads campaign!

Considering your situation, I can agree with #1 and #3:
  1. Increase Front End Price:
    • Consider raising the price to $19 if you believe the value justifies it. You're not just selling the course, you're selling its benefits.
  2. Email Marketing Focus:
    • Explore transitioning to selling primarily through email.
    • Continue building your email list with a compelling lead magnet.
These two can definitely help you increase your sales.

But, remember to track metrics closely, analyze your customer behavior, and adapt your strategy based on the data.

Continuous testing and refinement is the key to improving your ROI. :)
@seandon0691 To help mitigate your ad spend, I would look at augmenting your FB ad campaign with organic Facebook Group marketing. Whatever the type of self-help course you're selling, I would almost guarantee there are multiple Facebook Groups where you can find individuals in your target market. These individuals have self identified that they are interested in the topic the group is focused on.

Join the group, participate and add value. Then extend Friend Requests to those in the group that fit your target market. Once they become your friend, they will see your content and you can reach out directly to them any time you want to.

There are ways to automate a lot of this activity, if you're interested.
@nusue Here's a sneak peek of /r/FacebookAds using the top posts of the year!

#1: What I have Learned From Spending Over $20M In Facebook Ad Spend Since 2018

#2: I've been running the same profitable campaign structure for all of my Facebook ads clients that has worked for over 2 years.

#3: How To Get 50+ Hot Leads & Sales Meetings Per Week Using High Intent Customer Targeting (FACEBOOK ADS)

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