What should the QR code on my business card execute?


New member
I have an export trading company business. I have created a double sided business card with 1 side having the logo of the company and the other side containing name of the business, contact person, contact details, e.g. website, email,WhatsApp number and address.
However I would like to have 1 QR code that would lead to my potential contacts/ clients to actually initiate getting in touch with me. So I brainstormed up to 3 functions that I thought the QR code execute. So when a client scans the QR should it;
1. Lead to the website of my busines, 2. Lead to my catalogue to quickly get an understanding of my business and my products, 3. Quick access to my WhatsApp contact which comes ready with name and number and can be contacted instantly than having to punch in name and number manually?

Which 1 of these do you feel could be more effective and if not do you have any other ideas?
@damon46789 Have it lead to a specific URL of your website. Make that URL a redirect to another page, maybe start with the home page. But since it’s a redirect you can always change it in the future to go elsewhere. Set up some metrics on your site and monitor how many people actually use the QR code by checking hits to its URL.

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