What to do?


New member
So I’m 17 years old and in high school, I’m a junior. I have a ton of work, and have been dealing with other stuff lately. I feel that the work I’m putting into school isn’t paying off, and that it won’t in the long run. I want something, anything to do that will pay off in terms of making money. I wish I had a business to put my effort and time into, but there’s so many routes to take, and it’s hard to do this especially when your under 18, and your parents don’t like the idea. I want to build something. I don’t really care if it takes months to actually make money, but I want something that is mine and that I can create. I’d be open to e-commerce but I feel like everyone’s doing this right now and an economy can’t function on everyone just reselling cheap crap from china, but idk. I have about $1500 dollars right now, and I’m willing to be kind of risky with it. Obviously I don’t want to just throw it into a random crypto for example, also I don’t have any investment accounts so that would be hard. So basically I want minimum viable business ideas that could become something greater.
@chiril Step 1, figure out an idea that solves a problem. Dont invent one. Right now, you're the same as most wannabe entrepreneurs who just want to do something, but dont know what.

Circle back when you have an actual idea.
@chiril First you should find out your interests and what really matters in this life. Every industry, niche, business you choose needs at least 10 years of glass-eating to reach real, lasting success. What you need to pay attention to is the glass you’re going to eat for that period of time and to make sure that it will be enjoyable and with the most growth potential. What stops you from dreaming of becoming a billionaire? In these times, with all the technology, no one knows. Hope that helps and for some sort of inspiration try www.scalenuggets.com
@chiril You have plenty of time bro, just give yourself one more year you will have more clear mindset, keep going till then and yeah the goal should be high and valuable. Create impact not just money. Best wishes to you
@chiril My advice is to get a job in a field that you want to learn. Learn under the tutorship of somebody more experienced. Loads of benefits that come with this. Save money and learn as much as you can and start something when it makes sense.