What would make you use an AI meeting assistant?


New member
Hi everyone,

I’m part of a small AI SaaS based in San Jose, California called Shadow.do

The team and I are building an AI meeting assistant that turns your tasks from to-do to done.

This includes summaries, action items, emails, meeting templates, speaker differentiation, custom words, and more.

We haven’t launched but do have a bit of a waiting list. Our goal is to build a product that people NEED and WANT. Actually bringing value into your workflow.

If you have a few minutes to spare, it would be great to chat about your experiences. Comment here or send me a DM.

You can also share your thoughts in a short survey, which will move you up on our waiting list.

Here’s the link if that’s something you’d be up for: https://tally.so/r/wg9red

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