When did you let go of your corporate job for your start up?


New member
As stated,

I started a service based business to work on weekends. My weekend are jam packed and I have to turn people down for services during the workweek because I’m at “real” job.

I’ve been making so much money that I’ve considered quitting my 9-5 to really put time into my small business. I’m nervous to take the plunge, but it’s at the point where I’m considering taking PTO to do the start up because that money is better.

When did you realize it was time to take the plunge? Should I try going part time at my corporate job first?
@folabisi Oh my goodness. CONGRATULATIONS! I have so many questions now. What made you finally do it?? When did it seem worth it? I’m creating a safety net right now, I think once I have a few grand saved as a back up JUST in case, I’ll really consider it!
@rphoenix3d THANK YOU!!! Oh man do I have quite the story the last year or so on this journey. Fired last year, going through a divorce, moved cities a couple months ago. I'm about to go put out a bunch of yard signs for marketing, but when I get a chance I'll make sure I respond in detail or we can even message. There were several factors that made me do it, but ultimately I realized that I couldn't properly run the business with one foot in and one foot out. I am making about 90k from my job in a LCOL area, which some people might think I'm crazy for leaving, but for me it's about freedom and building the life I want to live and enjoying work. Plus I honestly could be making more than that very soon in a shorter period of time.
@goldencrownofthorns Congrats! Painting is such a great business to be in. Absolutely, I'll tell you everything I'm doing, and soon I'll have a lot more time to put into marketing. I'm in NE Ohio near Akron. It's a relatively LCOL area, but I'm still quoting some 5 figure exteriors even here.
@folabisi I would love to message when you get the chance! And I agree. When I’m at work I’m constantly thinking about my business projects! I grow more and more annoyed with our operations.
@rphoenix3d Not a corporate job, but an established painting company with 50 years experience. Owner retired and kids took over and they’ve been declining over 10% every year and jobs are no longer profitable.

In my opinion, they are a sinking ship so I am getting out while I can. It is a steady pay check and I have 2 kids under 5, mortgage, bills, etc. It’s scary.

I’ve owned my own painting company before and was successful, but I thought the grass was greener on the other side. Flash forward 3 years and now I realized it’s a lot easier to manage a company that is your own, rather than someone else’s.

Anyway, I officially got my LLC papers today and have my website, marketing, branding gear ready to go. Last thing to do is pull the trigger.

To your point about making the plunge, I’m planning to start my advertising and booking jobs (saying I’m 3-4 weeks out). Once I have a few jobs and can calculate expected advertising budgets to keep a full schedule, I’ll put in my 2 weeks.

That’s my plan anyway. I hope it works lol
The cleaning depends on the job really. What type of cleaning they need and what the state of the home is already. I also factor in how much time and product would be used.

At my current job I make $25, living in a low cost area.

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