
New member
Looking for some guidance on where to start...

Context --
  • Bought a company that's been around since 1983 teaching financial education to small business owners
  • Formerly a heavy in-person / keynote business model
  • Created video series for their product ~15 years ago (videos a bit dated but they have an OK platform)
  • Practically zero following right now -- minimal domain rating, ~600 LinkedIn followers, no facebook, ~300 twitter, email list size is OK but needs warming
It's a cool business with a lot of passionate fans (i.e. "this program changed my life" sort of feedback)... I'm looking for a baby steps approach to growing the audience while we toil away at improving the product and technology.

@revivalist1992 Here are your quick baby steps:
  1. Focus on conversion- driven, bottom-of-the-funnel content. Ask yourself, will this post get a 'yes' out of readers when they get to your call to action?
  2. Don't forget your lead magnets, highly valuable resources that nurture your prospects.
  3. Work social media 30 mins - 1 hour every few days, a few times a week.
  4. Look for high-volume, low-competition keywords to boost your SEO profile and visibility.
  5. Use text-to-video AI to create more video content for video channels.
  6. Encourage more good reviews and ask for referrals from your users.
@revivalist1992 Oh man, I've been in your shoes and it's both exciting and daunting! 😅 Congrats on the acquisition - sounds like a gem of a business with tons of untapped potential. 💎

Here's what I'd do if I were you:
  1. Go all in on that email list. 📧 Segment it, nurture it, love on it. Warm up those leads with a welcome sequence that reminds them why they fell in love with the brand in the first place.
  2. Unleash those raving fans! 🎉 Reach out to your most passionate customers and invite them to be case studies, testimonial-givers, even affiliate partners. Their stories will be marketing gold.
  3. LinkedIn is your new BFF. 🤝 Take advantage of that platform's organic reach and start posting valuable, story-driven content. Don't just toot your own horn - aim to start convos and build a community around financial ed.
  4. Experiment with low-cost, high-impact content. 🎥 Think bite-sized vids optimized for social, mini lead magnets, live AMAs with your top experts. Test and see what resonates with your audience.
  5. Don't underestimate the power of partnerships! 🤜🤛 What other businesses share your audience but aren't direct competitors? Explore co-marketing opps, guest blogs, even co-branded offers.
The key is to start small, move fast, and double down on what works. You've already got the hardest part handled - a great product with loyal fans. Now it's all about amplifying that story and inviting more people into your world.

Hit me up if you ever want to jam on growth ideas - always down to geek out! 🤓 And keep us posted on your progress, yeah? Excited to see where you take this!

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