Which CRM is your company using right now?


New member
Hey all,

I was doing a research on Sales CRM. I came across many (e.g. PipeDrive, Zoho, Freshwork etc). I know it is countless right now.

However, I’d love to know:
  1. How many CRMs you’ve used so far?
  2. What should be a must have in a CRM?
  3. What’s current CRM you’re using right now?
  4. What do you use it for? (Workflow, Sales, Outreach etc)
  5. What would be your top 3 favourite feature in any CRM?
@jane2468 How many CRMs you’ve used so far? 2-3 (Intercom, Google Sheet, NoCRM.io)

What should be a must have in a CRM? Lead and contact management

What’s current CRM you’re using right now? Google Sheets

What do you use it for? (Workflow, Sales, Outreach etc) Majorly sales

What would be your top 3 favourite feature in any CRM? Contacts, Deal Stage, Multi-Platform access (mobile, desktop and web)
  1. Pipedrive and hubspot
  2. Lead and opportunities pipeline
  3. Hubspot
  4. Sales, mostly
  5. Pipeline (customer and opportunities) management, easy integration with other tools, easy reporting
@jane2468 I think a lot this will depend on your specific use case. Not every solution is ideal for a certain sales funnel. For example, Salesforce is probably too much CRM for most people. Other CRMs are very lightweight, but may not give enough detailed info.

PipeDrive, Freshworks, Salesforce, Hubspot are all ones I've tried. Freshworks and Pipedrive are definetely a go-to for me for any mid tier startup.
@jane2468 We use EspoCRM to manage all customer data and sales. The platform is open-source and really intuitive. With its help, we also managed to automate reporting and a range of workflows. The system offers an integration with telephony providers, which is helpful for organizing cold calls.

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