Which font and logo looks better?


New member
Hey guys,

I've a little company named Quirkz which is a gift shop with a personality. We aim to be fun, creative and not afraid to stand out. As it is the in the process of being made, we arer having some logo troubles as it is harder than it looks literlly and i was wondering if you could click the survey below and just pick which logo you like and why? it would take a minutue,

I wanna thank you for your time.

Link; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...6GiCttMkCqjKMK71roijkesQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Just to update the people who have helped out, i will be consulting with a professional and provide them with the feedback i have gathered. So thank you for being part of the process.