Who are your favourite Indie Hacking YouTubers?


New member
I’m beginning to see a lot of Indie Hackers start to share their YouTube videos on X and Threads.

I believe it will be the next biggest stage where the makers will thrive.

As I’m building 12 AI apps in 12 months, I want to give limited time and enjoy YouTube videos from the best channels.

If you can please recommend some of the best I’ll be able to shortlist and go from there.

@keneyhector That guy gets repetitive very fast and it's getting more and more clear that he's just getting on the online marketing bandwagon to sell to other suckers. It would be nice to see the indiehacker space as a supportive community not just a circle jerk of people selling newbies shit
@oneyoungman I feel you, but not exactly about Marc.

I see there are Founders shit posting on X, IndieHackers, or Reddit who even automate spamming repetitive advice/controversial takes, just to boost their businesses and grow "blind" audience.

Marc is different in the form of being really self-made, struggling for years, and sharing his journey all the time, until now reaching incredible success as a solo founder.

I get it he starts to become this "founder guru", we'll see where he takes his journey, if he keeps building and sharing I'll be happy to follow him.