Who Would You Nominate?


New member
Hey everyone!

I started my indie SaaS journey about 6 months ago after burning out from endless crypto scam bullshit in 2021/2022. It's been a wild ride, relearning how to build things that make sense with web2 tech stack instead of unnecessarily complicated web3 stuff nobody wants but buy anyway because "token number go up"

I've been trying to learn from successful founders already, but most of what's out there is for the multimillion or billion dollar businesses and not much on the 6-7 figure solo or indie businesses

I've subscribed to Starter Story by Pat Walls, and the case studies are really well done and his Youtube is really awesome but only a handful were focused on indie saas, and only a fraction of even those were relevant today in 2024. The space moves f'ing fast.

So I decided to build https://99.builders to nominate the top founders in the space who are actually relevant today, crowdsource questions, and build out case studies for each of the top 99 who get inducted.

Nominations happen on a rolling basis, and each time someone gets inducted into the top 99, we open up the Q&A ability for everyone. As people get inducted, I also scourage the web for all their posts, interviews, essays, podcasts, anything at all, and build a FounderAI you can chat with for specific advice.

I know for me, it's really inspiring whenever I feel like giving up to read about the stories of people who are frankly just as normal and regular as I am, who were in the same boat not long ago, that managed to find success while overcoming adversity.

So I want to leave this link here, to see: Who Would You Nominate?