Why are people using Shopify+HubSpot


New member
After chatting about using HubSpot for eCommerce, I’m still scratching my head about why people pair it with Shopify. Especially when it feels like you can’t fully mesh their features. Both are great on their own, right? If someone’s all in on HubSpot, wouldn’t it make sense to just build a fresh version with a React-Next front end? And if we’re getting bold, why not go all out? HubSpot’s kind of like AWS Amplify. You could even make your own thing using Next and Amplify. Heck, Amplify’s even got a demo with Stripe. And if some young gun from AWS can whip up a huge B2B eCommerce platform, it can’t be that hard, can it?
@thoughtlessdepth HUBSPOT is not just CRM, it’s CRM+CMS and similarly Shopify is eCommerce with all bells and whistles including GPT, confusing part comes when you are running one for CRM + CMS and other for eCom. Ideally all workflows and campaigns should be accessible and available both ways but it seems it’s not, logics - single source of truth!

Technically a customised HUbSpot CMS can be used everything from landing pages to keeping track of your product line to managing campaigns, advertising, discounts, distribution channels to marketplace, payments and inventory, but that’s a tons of customisation so for easy access people use Spotify which not only does all this but also helps you with shipping rates, POS and more, which makes sense. However I see over 10k customers using both in tandem and that’s what’s confusing, unless you’re running a high value Ecommerce business where you need lots convincing, post sales handholding and support. HubSpot has a carsales and distribution use case on GitHub, using GQL and DBTables.
@stsdm Have you run an ecommerce business before? It would be good to understand this before you share this advice on why not use Hubspot as a platform for building your store on.

Hubspot CMS is relatively new and severely lacks commerce capabilities - it's like saying hey why use Shopify, can't you build your own e-commerce platform on AWS - or even better why use AWS - cant u just take a server rack and host a cloud platform on top.

Naivete galore in this post!
Oops touchy! Nothing personal Dear, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and definitely not your if you’re not able to comprehend what it meant as custom development. And just for your knowledge, you’re in conversation with someone with over two decades in eCommerce business and not just running or managing but managing for others as a managed service before even Shopify or HubSpot was born!

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