Why I built Nutritionist-AI? 🥦


New member
Lately, I was asking myself why exactly I started working on Nutritionist-AI, what problems it solves, and why one should care about it. and this is what I've found:

The Problem​

The main reason behind building NutritionistAI was that the current food market, especially in India and other developing nations, is completely messed up. Packaged products that are marketed as healthy products have a huge amount of palm oil and sugar in them. The other day, I was roaming around a supermarket and could hardly find products that were genuinely healthier.

The Solution​

There are in fact, multiple factors to determine whether a packaged food product is genuinely healthy or not:

- The types of ingredients used

- The quality of ingredients used

- Hygiene measures taken by the companies while developing the products, etc.

While it's not yet possible for us to check all these factors at this moment, what's possible though is to at least check the ingredient list used in making that product. By simply reading the ingredients, we can learn a lot about the product and it's overall impact on our health.

Often though, we skip checking the food labels, and even when we do, we might not know about specific ingredients (unless you are some nutrition expert 👨‍⚕️). I mean how would a regular person know that Neotame **is also a type sugar or palm oil has many other different names like - Glyceryl, Elaeis Guineensis,** etc.

This is where NutritionistAI comes in, by just sending a photo of the food label, it can tell the good's, the bad's and the overall impact of the food and the ingredients used, and if you want to know more about a specific ingredient you can cross question to it and get a very detailed information about the ingredients.




Moreover, Nutritionist AI can also help in making a customised meal plans tailored to one's medical conditions and health goals, suggest healthier substitutes to unhealthy substances and much more.

So, this was the intention behind making the world's first AI-powered nutritionist to enable everyone to make healthier choices for themselves and for their loved ones.

Here's the link if you want to check it out, an early bird discount price of $7.49/month forever is waiting for you.

Thanks for Reading


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