Why is it seems so easy to say fck u to a 9-5 Job but it isn’t easy at all to say fck u to school


New member
Hi everyone I have an important exam important test next Thursday and teachers from my school are just not empathic at all. I mean I feel stressed I feel pain every day, I cry with my mom and I have many business ideas I just need time and freedom to execute them I have seen videos about business, finance, I have the courses I’m ready to leave this. I’m tired but it seems so hard, should I quit? (she’s going to cry even more) is it a sacrifice I should take?
Hi everyone I have an important exam important test next Thursday and teachers from my school are just not empathic at all.

Why should they be empathetic? If your teachers are like most, they told you what was expected of you during the first week of class. How assignments would be graded, dates of tests, policies for missed or late assignments, etc. - this was probably already covered at the beginning. Are they unfairly changing those expectations? If not, sounds like the problem is that you aren't living up to what is expected of you as a student.

I have seen videos about business, finance, I have the courses I’m ready to leave this.

You've seen videos, so now you think you're ready to start your own business? Ha, are you kidding?

is it a sacrifice I should take?

If you consider school to be a sacrifice, you should leave. It's not something you value, so it's probably a big waste of time and money.

If there was ever a post that screamed, "I'm going to start my own business and watch it fail almost immediately," it's this one. If you want to be successfully self-employed, you're going to have to develop a thicker skin. I spend large chunks of my day doing a lot of shit that I don't really enjoy, but I do it because it needs to get done. I don't think I've ever met a successful business owner who DIDN'T feel this way. I've also met a fair number of failed business owners who spent a lot of energy crying about how unfair things are, and neglecting to deal with important, but sometimes unpleasant issues.
@seekinggod Do you just quit when things get hard? If so, you will never be successful. By quitting you’re doing more than just leaving school. You’re subconsciously executing the belief that you really just can’t do it and making it real.

Your mentality and seeing the prize at the end needs more work


33 year old that started way behind the starting line…First Gen Colombian having to learn English in school, raised by a foreign single 21 Y/o mother that worked at Toys R Us.. I Graduated with a 2.56 GPA from the University of Nebraska with Literally no family support or example due to religion and me being shunned for my life choices in college and not putting Gods things first over business. Have also lived in a homeless shelter before at the age of 12 with my mom and little sister.

Now a Sales Director and Regional Sales Manager for two separate Medical companies and am the top performer at both after getting laid off from Medtronic (top medical device company in the world) last October due to covid (see how fair life is).

Oh and also have my Real Estate Brokers License which was a test I failed 3 times each taking me six hours to take with them not telling me what answers i got wrong.… If you quit because things are “hard” how do you expect to have a winning business or anyone to trust you with their money?
@seekinggod Entrepreneurship is all about being quick at learning. If you are willing to quit when you are asked to learn something you don't like, it does not look too bright for being an entrepreneur. Quiting a job due to not having enough opportunities to learn is a totally different case.

Besides, finance and business videos on the internet are for entertainment. What really comes to accounting, budgeting, valuation etc. is not properly taught by immersive YouTube videos because these subjects are also boring on some aspects.

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