Why is it so damn hard to get an Indiehackers code/invitation?


New member
Like many fellow redditors, I've been trying hard to get an Indiehackers code/invitation, but it seems incredibly elusive and hard to get access unless you're already an insider that's well connected.

Look at these threads with everyone requesting codes and literally no one around to give them:

And many more...

I would've thought that's the opposite of what they are trying to promote, so it's a little frustrating how difficult it is as someone who's just recently started a micro-Saas. Asking on reddit and twitter so far hasn't worked, though maybe we'll all get an invite one day...

P.S. If you actually have a code, would be incredibly grateful :p
@spret93 They don't share codes with the people already in the community. I'm not a very active user but have created some posts, one of them quite popular, and haven't received any code to share. It's a pity what they're doing but I assume that in some time it won't be that difficult to get an invite.
@spret93 Hey OP. I share your frustration! I went through the same experience recently. I tweeted at them, thinking someone would respond... *crickets*

Let me caveat this by saying: (1) I live in the Bay Area; and (2) I work in tech - so this solution may not be feasible for most. I realized that Stripe acquired Indie Hackers and I have a good friend who works at Stripe. He was able to get me this elusive invite code.

If that is not a feasible option, the other approach I can recommend is leveraging LinkedIn as follows:
  • Look up Stripe (the company) on LinkedIn.
  • LI tells you how many employees they have. Click on that number.
  • Filter the employee list to second degree connections.
  • If you have any second degree connections, see if your connection can warm intro you to the employee at Stripe to see if you can get a code.
Other than that, I got nothing. Good luck!

(And, I don't have any codes - I just checked)