Will lawn care businesses be replaced by robots in the near future?

@kaynic The roomba has been affordable for some time now and I don’t think it’s really negatively impacted the custodial industry. Most lawn care businesses do more than mow; just like custodians do more than vacuum. I’m sure there’s some % of the custodians who do almost exclusively vacuuming though.
@ammo1113 Idk, I saw a robot last week that can drive itself to the bathroom and systematically clean and restock the entire thing. Robot takeover is happening now, the time to prepare and roll with it is now.
@justquaid I don’t think for services like this people will want robots though. People want robots instead of the gum smacking kid giving them attitude at the McDonald’s drive thru. Ron the mowing guy? They still want to see him.

I’ll be interested to see how big of a role that unknown human interaction value plays. Some industries be hit harder than others. Like health care for example. I don’t want a robot taking care of me and if that’s the only option I’ll opt out of participating in health care as will many others like me who value that human interaction.
@garrettthecarrot I would agree, but how will this effect the smaller businesses that don’t offer quite as many services like the bare bones lawn mowing services? I think that would have to be taken into consideration here right?

Edit: Grammar
@kaynic No, because whonis going to rake the leaves around the trees? Who's going to blow debris into a pile from one side of the house to the other? Who's us going to trim the bushes? Line the edges? Small buisinesses do that now
@kaynic On the contrary this is a great opportunity. Imagine how many of these you could deploy in a neighborhood, freeing your teams up to do higher value work.
@kaynic Who maintains, repairs, and deploys the robots? Seems like a possible future skill. Fleets of robots might create a different set of jobs.

The robots aren’t yet booking the jobs or doing the marketing. While a proliferation of robots would take away some (not all) labor jobs from humans, it could help solve a labor shortage issue and it might help small business entrepreneurs scale more efficiently.
@kaynic Not a chance. We run a landscaping business for years. Each yard is so different. No robots can do such custom work in the next 10 years. Same for plumber. See if it can replace your garbage disposal. Each sink could be different. How, scan it every time and reprogram it? Good luck.
@zachariahs Yea I don't think AI and robotics will ever take over the trades. For a bot to do plumbing, it would have to be Artificial General Intelligence, meaning the same mind as a human. Because plumbing is to dynamic. Every jobs different. BUT one we invent AGI, what makes us think it's just going to do what we say and be a slave? AGI is the point where you've created an actual living thing with free will. I don't get why we assume that's just going to agree to be a labor slave lol
@kaynic These have been around for 20 years. They haven't replaced anyone's job.

I still don't get the future scare. Androids aren't taking over the planet anytime soon. If/when they do, hopefully they can make a working hoverboard.
@kaynic Theft would be a killer. The police barely care about stolen cars as it is. GPS is useless for something like this, because you can just put it into a Faraday Cage (metal box) and it's disappeared from tracking.
@kaynic Yea more than likely. I’d say within the next 10 years they will gain a lot of popularity. And what’s sad is they are making robots for virtually everything. Painting? Yep. Cleaning? Yep. Driving snow plows? Yep. Tree cutting robots? Yep. There are warehouses that are pretty much self run by robots. They don’t have gutter cleaning robots that I know of, but they do make self cleaning gutters. Basically people choose to make money by trying their hardest to make other peoples jobs disappear to save other people money. It’s sad.

This is one of the biggest problems I’m having. Finding a job I enjoy that pays the bills and won’t be replaced by robots. Even a lot of white collar jobs are gonna be replaced.
@juliussneezer How is efficiency sad? You sound like the guys griping about how automobile were taking all the horse jobs and it would be the end of the world... Mankind's penchant for tools is what makes all our lives better, there will be some growing pains but in 100 years we could have a utopia... That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for not getting a job too, "I'm afraid robots will take it over in the future", lol, might as well just go live in the Forrest then right? Derppppp
@justquaid Robots taking horses jobs is not going to be the same as robots taking people jobs… horses never needed jobs to pay their bills… growing pains” is a really light way to put massive unemployment to a degree we’ve never experienced before.

It’s possible that with enough preparation we could avoid the mess but given how people (like you) downplay everything until it’s already a massive problem out of control, it’s going to be bad. That mixed with that fact that people care more about saving money and being efficient than the future pretty much guarantees massive problems.

Never said I don’t have a job. I have a job, but choosing the one I want for the rest of my life is a big decision. It not sad to take future problems seriously.

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