Would this business be illegal?


New member
Although ChatGPT 3.5 is free, ChatGPT 4.0 is not and costs $20/month. As someone who subscribes to ChatGPT 4.0, I can attest that its responses are substantially better than those of ChatGPT 3.5. I am contemplating developing a website where a user can input a query, which would then be sent to one of my ChatGPT 4.0 chats, and the reply would be sent to the user who entered the query. This would be an absolutely free service, and Google AdSense advertisements would generate revenue for the website. Essentially, it would provide free access to ChatGPT 4.0. Even if such a website garners only a moderate amount of interest, it should generate AdSense revenues greater than the $20/month I am currently paying for ChatGPT 4.0.

However, would this even be legal? In the event that this website were to become extremely popular, would ChatGPT take legal action against it?
@lovinglife123 1st - you only have 25 prompts/hour at the moment per account, so that would fill up instantly.
2nd - I don't know how you would achieve this without some kind of scraping and automation, which is usually illegal

You can, of course, use OpenAI API, but it's access to gpt4 is restricted by wait-list (I'm waiting 3 weeks now for mine). Not to mention that the API usage pricing is based on how much you use it, instead of just fixed $20/month like chatGPT Plus
@lovinglife123 I don't think this would be illegal but I am not sure how adsense would work to generate a revenue of more than 20$/month. I would have imagined to generate revenue from advertisements one would need sufficient traffic to the website. More the traffic, more API calls to chatGPT and thus eventually exceeding your API quota. This would be more worthy if you could add some value addition over chatgot responses. Just my 2 cents.
@lovinglife123 If you use GPT-4 via the API (currently a limited beta), then you pay per token, so you may not necessarily make money from this.

If you use GPT-4 via ChatGPT, then it has a rate limit on messages which is currently 25 per 3 hours, which seems like it would run out pretty fast in this context, and it would also be against the terms of use. It seems more likely that OpenAI would just terminate your subscription based on the terms of use violation rather than take legal action.