Would you rather own 1% of the company for less responsibility or 10% for more responsibility?

Saas company. In an optimistic and hypothetical scenario, at least 3 rounds of funding.

Option A: 1-2% as a founding member.
Option B: 10-20% as a founding C level member.

@christianmusthaves As the first engineer hired at a startup with 1% equity, I'd take the 10% with more responsibility any day. Either way, the work-life balance is not much different in my experience.
@christianmusthaves It depends. 1) How much do you think you can affect the success of the company, and 2) How much do you want to work? I love to work and believe in myself, so I want more equity, all other things being equal.
@christianmusthaves More equity, more responsibility. This is because I know only one way of working which is going all in into whatever I'm working on. I have tried taking less responsibilities in my job earlier but it just doesn't work for me.

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